Setting your 2021 Intentions

alignment goals intentions
And we are back!!
I had a small hiatus at the end of last year to give myself some space to get things back into alignment but I am fresh and rested and raring to go!
Just like that we have welcomed in a brand new year, a fresh start and a chance to set our intentions and goals for the year (which is my absolute favourite thing to do!). So that is what prompted the inspiration for this first episode back of The Inspired By Her podcast. I am trying a few new things this year to achieve my ultimate goal of doing less.

So a lot of these episodes will be audio clips from lives I am doing in my FB Group (which you can join here) as I am all about showing up for the ladies inside there this year and delivering massive value!

This year I am calling in more ease.

I am done with doing all the things.

I am choosing to say no more and hell yes to only those things that align with me, my values and my intentions.

I am saying a big hell yes to making ME a priority this year so I can give more to those around me (you can’t give from an empty cup #1 big learning from 2020!)

I am choosing more fun and less hustle.

I am choosing to do less but deliver more.

This year my intention is ALIGNMENT and I am so fired up and ready to get stuck into making this happen.

I hope you enjoy this episode and I would love to know what are you choosing to do more of this year?