Perfectly Imperfect Membership Launching with Rosie Gaul

Season #3

I'm so excited to bring you the latest episode of the Inspired By Her podcast!! In this episode I chat with the lovely Rosie Gaul of Rosie Cakes Canberra. Rosie was a public servant for 15 years and has grown her cake decorating side hustle into a thriving business she operates full time, and now also has a successful membership and subscription container.

She has a passion for not only making cakes but also helping busy Mums create their own beautiful cakes and in turn, sweet memories for their kids (all while enjoying a bit of a creative outlet away from the home / work / parenting juggle!). I love sharing these success stories of perfectly imperfect launches and learning along the way, to remind us all that we don’t need all the shiny things to have a fun, flowy and profitable launch. Grab a cuppa (and a slice of cake if you have some on hand πŸ˜‰) and enjoy this episode!