Organisation, pivoting and goals with Hollie Barac from MayDay VA

Season #1 Episode #21

This week on The Inspired by Her Podcast I am joined by Hollie Barac from MayDay VA who is the absolute queen of organisation in business! Hollie talks to us about the journey she has taken to get to where she is now and how each of the different turning points in her life have resulted in the business she has created today. Hollie has just recently pivoted her business and achieved her goals way ahead of schedule - which is incredible! She shares with us some of her wisdom on how she got to achieve this. This is one inspiring episode about how the journey to success isn't always straight forward and doesn't always go the way we envision. It is a true reminder that life is not always about the destination but the journey that we take to get there. Grab yourself a tea, coffee, wine - whatever your drink of choice is and snuggle in for this amazing, inspiring episode.